Summer Institute
Course Description:
This course is designed around the 6 Dimensions of Quality (safety, effectiveness, equity, efficiency, timeliness, and patient-centeredness) as outlined by the 2001 report from the Institute of Medicine. The goal of this course is to develop interprofessional leaders with a foundational knowledge base in quality improvement to improve the quality and value of the healthcare system. As part of QI Core, each site is required to present a current QI project in process during sessions called “Fellows’ Forum”. This provides an opportunity for the presenting fellow to gain feedback from peers and faculty from across the 9 sites. The overarching competencies for the course are:
Lead, follow, and make positive changes in health care delivery.
Describe the social context and accountability of health care, including an understanding of the local, regional, national, and global context of health care, including financing.
Sample sessions:
- Introduction to Systems Thinking
- Diffusion of Innovations
- Human-Centered Design
- Ethical Issues in QI
- Safety : Patient Safety
- Patient Centered : Patient Centered Care
- Fellows forum on QI projects
- Individual QI Projects
- National QI Projects