Dr. Farag is an Associate Professor at the UI College of Nursing. She completed her PhD and a postdoctoral fellowship at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH. Dr. Farag’s research focuses on understanding reactive and proactive approaches to enhance patient safety with an emphasis on safe medication administration practices across the care continuum. Dr. Farag’s first line of research (reactive approach) focuses on understanding system and social factors contributing to nurses’ willingness to report medication errors. Her second line of research (proactive approach) focuses on examining system and human factors contributing to nurse fatigue as an important precursor to medication errors. Dr. Farag is currently collaborating with three different interdisciplinary teams to use machine learning and artificial intelligence to pursue novel approaches to studying predictors and potential preventers of medication errors. Recent projects have been funded by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCBSN), the NIOSH-funded UI Healthy Workforce Center of the Midwest, the CDC-funded UI Injury Prevention Research Center, and the Institute for Clinical and Translational Science (ICTS), the UI’s CTSA. Dr. Farag is a nationally recognized expert in medication errors. She received the Mary Hanna Memorial Journalism Award from the Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing in 2016. Dr. Farag was named Author of the Year by the Journal of Emergency Medicine in 2018 and also received the Junior Investigator Award from the Midwest Nursing Research Society (MNRS) Health Systems, Policy, and Informatics research interest group. In 2018, she also received the Rogers Endowed Lectureship Award from Mississippi Medical Center.

Amany Farag, PhD, RN