Dr. Sirovich is a practicing general internist whose research examines utilization of healthcare services – the tendency of clinicians to order tests, referrals, and treatments for patients. Her work has explored both causes and consequences of differing patterns of practice and utilization of healthcare services. A former HSR&D Career Development Awardee herself, she currently mentors several VA Career Development Awardees and is a committed educator. She developed and directs an intermediate Epidemiology and Biostatistics course in the MS/MPH program at the Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice as well as a new interdisciplinary course at Geisel bridging population health and health care, fostering in preclinical students the capabilities to address problems across both realms. As faculty within the VA Quality Scholars Program, White River Junction, she has focused on nurturing synergies and mutual respect between Quality Improvement and Research among fellows and faculty alike.
Brenda Sirovich, MD, MS