Carlos Estrada, MD, MS

Carlos A. Estrada, MD, MS, is Chief of the Section of General Internal Medicine (GIM) at the BVAMC and Professor of Medicine, with tenure, at the Heersink School of Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). He served as Associate Provost for Interprofessional Education and Director, Center for Interprofessional Education & Simulation at UAB. Estrada is a long-standing member of the Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM), he chaired the 2009 National meeting and served on Council, Deputy Editor, and Editorial Board for the Journal of General Internal Medicine (JGIM). He served as President of the Association of Chiefs and Leaders of General Internal Medicine (ACLGIM).

Estrada has research and education interests in quality improvement, clinical reasoning, and medical education. He is a servant leader, supporting personal and professional development – in particular women and under-represented minority in medicine. He listens to @CPSolvers, HBR Women at Work, Work Life, HBR Ideacast. With over 100 publications, he has mentored dozens of faculty, fellows, residents, and students. He has applied broad range of research methodology (cross-sectional, cohort, clustered randomized trials, decision analysis, clinical reasoning, medical decision-making, and clinical prediction rules). Twitter: @EstradaElJefe. Pronouns: He/ Him/ His.