Patrick Calhoun, PhD, MA

Dr. Calhoun is Senior Psychology Scholar for the Durham VAQS site, the Director of the VA Mid-Atlantic (VISN-6) Mental Illness Research Education and Clinical Center (MIRECC) Psychology Fellowship Program; Director of the MIRECC Health Services Research Core; and a Research Associate in the Durham HSR&D Center for Innovation. He is a Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Duke University School of Medicine where he is the Associate Director of the Division of Behavioral Medicine. Dr. Calhoun is experienced in quality improvement and implementation research and served as the VA lead on the VA/DoD Integrated Mental Health Strategy focused on Translation of Mental Health Research into Innovative programs and policy from 2010-2015. In collaboration with the National Center for PTSD and the Mental Health QUERI, Dr. Calhoun served as Co-PI on a Joint Incentive Fund initiative to establish a Practiced Based Implementation Network across mental health sites at the VA and DoD. Dr. Calhoun specializes in the assessment and treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder and associated difficulties including substance misuse. His current grant funded projects are focused on reducing morbidity associated with PTSD and substance misuse including tobacco, cannabis, and alcohol.